
Blade And Soul close beta 4 Feedback

Seriously, you lot have been doing games for many years.well it makes us think your not serious about feedback.
1. Real red hair in character creation.
2. Costumes that billow are not appropriate for combat in any way shape or form, apart from that most look like crap. Please use people who have some inkling of fashion in the combat world.
3. most of the familiar costumes are not worth even considering, there ridiculous, buy bns gold condescending and belittle your bonded friend and combat partner.
4. The map is atrocious, theres no way to zoom in effectively so you can see whats around you without turning off all the filters and only having the one your after on. Allow for a deeper level of zoom so we can easily see the vender we are looking for.
5. The quest director is erratic in its operation, sometimes it works most of the time it doesn't.
6. I like the fact that if your not wearing faction uniform your exempt from pvp.
7. I hate the single story path for every race and class. I understand that one for every race and class would be a lot, however having a separate story path for either each race or each class would be preferable, this way when bns gold we decide to roll another toon, were able to travel a different story path at least until they merge with the main www.bladeandsoulgolds.net plot.
8. PLEASE!!! include skip tutorial, close beta 4 was my first emersion into Blade And Soul and really after the first run through I was over it. Give us an option to skip tutorial so we can just wake up and get on with the game.
9. Your economy is not well thought out at all.. making us pay 6 silver for something then telling us we can sell it for 1 cp is insulting. No other game I know of does this, also if your going to charge 6sp for a healing draught and then have no self healing (apart from the summoner) you need to increase the coin drop rate and increase the resale value of items found. Forcing players to farm just so they generate enough coin to buy healing is counter productive to enjoying the game and it's scenery. How would you feel if you buy a new car for $50,000 and a minute later told it's only worth 1 cent.

